A high L can mean anything from a very well mannered normal wanting to give a good impression, to a compensated paranoid. Tendency to create a favorable impression as a response bias, conventional, rigid, moralistic, repression, denial, and insightless. L Lie Scale (Hathaway and McKinley, 1951) (15 items). This can also be High due to inconsistencies within the personality. Scores of 13 or more would be considered invalid. This is possibly the best measure of random, or inconsistent responding.

(MMPI-2) 49 pairs of semantically inconsistent responses. VRIN - Variable Response Inconsistency scale (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham & Tellegen, 1989). Low scores of 5 or less responded with a "nay-saying" test set, responding mainly "False." This can be also be High due to severe psychopathology. High scores, 13 or more, have responded to the MMPI in a "yea-saying" test set, responding mostly "True". (MMPI-2) 23 pairs of items that are semantically inconsistent. TRIN - True Response Inconsistency scale (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham & Tellegen 1989).

Twenty or more left unanswered should be considered significant. More than ten left unanswered may be of clinical significance. It is important to look for a pattern that may exist in the items that are left blank. High scores may be due to obsessiveness, defensiveness, difficulty in reading, confusion, hostility, or paranoia.